Student Writer

Friday, Aug. 21 was Statehood in Hawaii Day, an officially recognized holiday celebrating the official right of statehood for the island.

The Rangers’ soccer team picked up two freshmen Tiana Young-Mauchly and Jordan Gomes from Hawaii to play this year and hopefully for more to come. Young-Mauchly is 17 from Pearl City on the island of Oahu, she is undecided on her major but is leaning toward physical therapy she plays center back for the Rangers. Gomes is 17 from Waipahu also on the island of Oahu, undecided major but leaning toward psychology she plays full back for the Rangers.

As some may know Hawaii originally did not want to be a part of the United States but rather really good friends to trade with. Queen Liliuokalani the monarch of Hawaii at 1898 sent a letter to Congress protesting their absurd claim to her land. Her protests fell on deaf ears and the US began a process to make Hawaii a state, which happened August 1959.

When asked on her thoughts about it Gomes said, “I have mixed feelings about it, I mean I’m glad we did join I just think it could’ve been handled a better way.” The holiday itself doesn’t seem to have a large impact on the locals, “I don’t even remember if we got out of school for it,” Young-Mauchly said. “We might have a parade for it,” Gomes said.

Young-Mauchly and Gomes both played for the Abunai Soccer Academy. Young-Mauchly started soccer at 5 and also danced hula. At age 12 she had to choose which one she wanted to focus on.  She chose soccer and played all through high school also trying her hand at water polo, track, and cross-country. Her freshman year of high school didn’t go well for soccer. She had torn her ACL, which coincidentally sparked her interest in physical pherapy.

“I really got good exposure at a showcase in Vegas,” she said. “I was originally going to go to Highline JC in Seattle, but after the showcase I got recruited by coach Lavoie [at Northwestern] and decided to come here.” She hadn’t even visited the campus yet chose it because of the recently acquired Division II status.

Her hobbies back home are going to the beach and surfing. The thing she misses most about home is her three Chihuahuas.

Gomes started off Hula dancing. All of her friends were also playing soccer and she decided to get into it as well. She almost didn’t come to NWOSU or even college at all because she was going to take a year off. Coaches were able to persuade her to bring her talents to NWOSU and play for the Rangers.

Her hobbies back home are going to the beach and body boarding. The thing she said she misses most about home is the amazing food.