Student Reporter
Battling through a large map with 99 opponents hunting around trying to kill one another, reminds you of the hunger games, right? Something close to this is Fortnite Battle Royale and here are some tips on how to win:
Step 1
Make sure that you always have material to build even at the beginning of the game you never know when someone is trying to shoot you from distance with a sniper or you need to build up and try and get some loot.
Step 2
The loot is around the map , which many people don’t know about, but there are little ammo crate boxes that you will need to get to resupply you on your equipment on the game. It is easy to overlook these so make sure that you check thoroughly so you can get the upper hand on your enemy.
Step 3
Always go for weapons that are green, purple, blue, and gold these are the bet weapons that are going to be on the game, never grab the common weapons theyre the weakest you will see them around the map the most, grab these at the beginning of the game.
Step 4
Always carry a long-range weapon, AR (Assault rifle), some type of explosives, med kit and elixir these are the key weapons that you need to win the game, put the AR first explosives second and your long-ranged weapon last, it will be the last thing you need if a enemy is running up on you.
Step 5
The last and final step is at the end of the game. Don’t choke and try to hide in a bush. The enemy will see you. Instead build a tower to where you have the high point advantage on your opponent and try to take them down from there.