Student Reporter

Covering up those legs with sweatpants in the winter is great for gym goers, but don’t be caught with chicken legs come beach season.

The winter is great for guys and girls alike to put on some good quality muscle, but far too often we see people with an aesthetic upper body and legs that resemble hot dogs; stop the madness and hit those legs hard.

Here’s what some regular gym goers had to say for tips and tricks on training legs.

Logan Porter a junior Health and Sports science major out of Surprise Arizona said his favorite leg movement is the leg extension machine; Porter said, “With the leg extension machine I can really see my muscle working during each rep.”

Alex Hayes, a Junior Chemistry major and biology minor, said that the lunge was her favorite leg exercise, “Since I’ve started incorporating lunges I like the way it makes my legs and butt look.” Another leg movement incorporated by gym regular Brad Drury, a junior business administration major from Mississauga, Canada, is the “Romanian Deadlift.”

“The Romanian Deadlift is good for targeting the hamstrings, I feel the stretch during this movement more than any other leg exercise I do.” said Drury.

Take the advice of these gym regulars who don’t skip leg day and incorporate the leg extension, lunge, and Romanian deadlift into your next leg day and don’t be caught with chicken legs when the sweatpants come off and the bathing suit goes on.