News Editor

There are times when I, as a young college student, am baffled by what is going on around me. This could be any number of things, from why the color of a cup matters to so many people, to protests next door in Missouri, to the senseless shooting of hundreds of innocent people.

Maybe this is the hippy in me, and that possibly makes me seem naïve, but seriously.

What happened to people getting along and letting people do their own thing without judgment from those around us? Oh wait. That’s never really been a thing. There has always been some sort of war or unrest going on and no one really seems interested in peace.

Now, I’m not a contestant in a beauty pageant, saying all I want is world peace. But honestly, to me, it seems like no matter what, someone is going to throw a fit about something! Those cups are un-Christian (I wasn’t aware Starbucks had signed a contract promising to promote your religion), there are students at universities Yik-Yakking about taking out every person of color on their college campuses and, every time I turn around, there is another terrorist attack somewhere in this world we live in.

Yes, we all have opinions (I think we are all aware that I do) but sharing those opinions when they are so harmful and acting on them is where we have gone wrong.

If you disagree with something, that is your right. Standing up for what you believe in is also your right. But deciding it is your right to “shoot every black person I see” (taken from a Yak shown on about the University of Missouri turmoil) is going above what an opinion should.

Protesting Starbucks because they went with a different design of the famous red cups that apparently don’t correspond with what you thought they should is your decision, but shouldn’t what’s inside the cups matter more? Obviously you aren’t getting enough coffee to think clearly. And lastly, the recent terrorist attacks on such a beautiful city are the latest in a large string.

I’m sure we all have something to say about this but let me just leave you with this. Don’t be afraid to share what’s on your mind, to make a change and stand up for what you believe in.

While innocent people were enjoying a concert, a soccer game, and dinner out, they became victims of a senseless crime.

Instead of constantly complaining and spreading hate, spread acceptance, and give people respect.

Just because you don’t agree with what they believe in, doesn’t mean they don’t deserve the respect you demand.

Please, just look around at the people who share everyday events with you and show them courtesy. Courtesy to live their life and do what they want, just as you do.