By AUSTIN MORTON, Senior Reporter

Does pineapple belong on pizza? That sentence alone was enough to get you heated, wasn’t it? Why is that?

In the grand scheme of things, having an opinion on such a small topic like this isn’t going to affect your day-to-day life in a meaningful way. So, why do we feel so strongly about it?

We see these types of questions get asked daily on social media, and a lot of the time, they are also followed with angry comments.

To name a few, there’s the classic dress debate, laurel or yanny, Apple or Android. And if ketchup or mustard goes on a hotdog, it’s mustard.

Why is it that we fight over these types of topics? I understand having opinions and feeling like you have a personality, but in the end, it all feels pointless.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen someone get a text from an Android, and the person almost immediately scoffs at having to see that green bubble. Even I have to admit that this one gets to me. Both of my parents have an Android, and trying to do any group chat with them just ends in a disaster.

For those unaware, trying to make a group chat with Android and Apple users is a mess. You get different message groupings depending on who replies, and it never stays in the one group. When this happens, all I can think of is: “Just get an iPhone.”

So, to a degree, I get where many of the arguments stem from. It’s just easier for everyone to agree on one thing. But just how much better would that really be?

As much as I hate all the discourse, I think it’s necessary. Because what may be a small issue for some might hold a lot of meaning to others.

And when was the last time you had a meaningful conversation where everyone agreed on everything? It’s boring.

Sure, agreement would be nice for a group project or a family vacation. But for everyday conversation, having discourse only makes talking more fun.

Having these differences can work as conversation starters and get people engaged in whatever is discussed.

I met my best friend when I overheard him talking about how the Eagles were the best team in the NFL at the time.

They weren’t, but just hearing that was enough for me to want to see why he had that opinion. So, maybe a little discourse over tiny topics that don’t matter, actually does matter.

The next time you see a Twitter thread about how ranch doesn’t belong on spaghetti, go ahead and voice your opinion on it. (Even though ranch does go on it.)