Guest Contributor

Christmas in Louisville. Words to explain: Full. Unpredictable. Lively.

Notice I didn’t use any explicitly joyful words. That’s because nothing about Christmas, in any place, is explicit. Christmas is meant to be implicit.

Christmas is meant to be full of love.

The kind of love you can’t see on the outside.

Excitingly unpredictable and one of the most lively experiences of all holidays.

Family. Love. Life: words to explain Christmas.

But in Louisville, any word is possible. Yes, even the bad ones.

In Louisville, Christmas is love.

So is Hanukkuh and Ramadan. This is because of all of the supportive and loving people.

No matter how our pictures look, they are not about Christmas. These pictures are about: Support. Love. Community.

Nothing about these words are specific to one time or day or place.

These words are Louisville.

A long exposure blurs the Christmas lights on The Walking Bridge, one of the four bridges that cross the Ohio River from Louisville, Kentucky, to Indiana. It was once a railroad bridge. Photo by Anna Roe, age 9.
The Paddock Shops in Louisville, Kentucky, feature Christmas lights lining the sidewalks throughout the shopping center that hosts more than 70 stores and businesses.
Photos by Alice Roe, age 13.
The Paddock Shops in Louisville, Kentucky, feature Christmas lights lining the sidewalks throughout the shopping center that hosts more than 70 stores and businesses.
Photos by Alice Roe, age 13.
A neighbor’s snowman greets people to the Green Spring neighborhood in Louisville, Kentucky, where the Roe family lives.
Photo by Alice Roe, age 13.
A house in the Wolf Creek neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky, is all decked out for the holidays.Photo by Anna Roe, age 9.

Editor’s note: Dr. Kaylene Armstrong, adviser to the Northwestern News, spent Thanksgiving in Louisville, Kentucky, with her granddaughters, Alice Roe, 13, and Anna Roe, 9. These are their creations.