By DEVYN LANSDEN, Editorial Editor

Devyn Lansden takes a walk with her boyfriend, Elijah, in Colorado.

I am a big believer in self-care.

I think everyone needs time to be with themselves to relax and think. I am talking about having no phones and no TV.

I know. Sounds rough. However, it helps and feels so nice.

I have been trying to find new hobbies that get me off my phone. I have been reading a lot. I have read two books and I am almost done with my third.

I try to get as many things done before the weekend so I have some time for myself.

Self-care does not have to be just sitting in a room by yourself.

There are many things you can do that give you a chance to be alone with your thoughts. Exercise is always the first thing that comes to my mind. Being able to work out after a long, stressful day feels so good.

Another good idea is meditating. If you have time before class and you’re sitting in your car, you can look up a five-minute meditation video.

That will let you be with yourself, and I promise, you will feel more Zen.
Go outside for a walk. My favorite thing has been sitting outside, especially after the cold weather we had.

Any chance I get, I am outside soaking it all in and enjoying the nice weather. That always puts me in a good mood.

Sleeping is always the answer, right? Sleeping will definitely help if you have a bad day.

If you have a dog or a cat, then take some time to cuddle with them and hang out with them. They will be happy — and they will make sure you are happy, too.

Be around people that make you happy. You can rant to them about what made you stress or what made you mad.

After talking about it, you will feel better right after. That is what friends are for. I try to surround myself with positive people because that makes me a happy person. If you notice someone close to you is not being themselves, then help them out. Knowing that you helped a friend out is a good feeling.

They will return the favor in the future when you are struggling a little more than usual.

I mentioned this already, but get off your phone for a little bit. Social media can be a toxic place at times, and you might not notice if it is affecting you.

When you go outside, leave your phone inside. Having a little time to yourself without a phone is self-care.

Does anyone else feel like they have their life together after they clean? Well, I do. Cleaning makes me more productive. Once I start, I will not stop until everything is clean.

Remember that taking a little time out of the day to be with yourself is not a selfish or pointless act. You are simply making sure your needs are met. Life is precious, so we need to enjoy it. Having a good relationship with yourself will lead to a positive attitude.

You will be someone who everyone wants to have in their presence. If you have a good relationship with yourself, then you will be able to help others.
I hope this story gave you some ideas to help ground yourself. Remember to prioritize yourself, especially when you are having more bad days than good.