Student Reporter

Sarah Martin earned her bachelor of science in nursing from Oklahoma City University and graduated in 2023 with a Master’s of science in nursing education from Northeastern State University. This will be her first formal teaching position. She brings 10 years of nursing experience in various areas. Martin currently lives in Ponca City with her husband and her 10-month-old baby.

Q: What sold you on coming to NWOSU?
A: Initially when I was considering nursing positions in the area there were a few different universities and nursing programs to consider in my area, and I actually have a friend who works for Northwestern. She is also one of the nursing instructors. So, I just heard about the stellar reputation of Northwestern and the nurses that Northwestern produces, and so that was my draw. Hearing positive things about the nursing program, both from nursing students as well as other faculty members, and just working with Northwestern nurses as a nurse and seeing that reputation for excellence and knowing that was a program, I wanted to be a part of.

Q: What is one of the first goals you hope to accomplish here?
A: I would say right now my first goal is to grow the nursing program at the university center in Ponca City. Since I’ve just come into this position in February, I’m in the process of promoting that Northwestern has a nursing program here available for students in Ponca City. So certainly, right now my goal is to grow this program and create more opportunities to send nurses into the community of Ponca City.

Q: What is your favorite class to teach and why?
A: I would say my favorite class to teach is probably Adult Health I. I really enjoy working with nursing students who are just coming into the nursing program, and don’t have a lot of background working as a nurse or with patients, so it’s really rewarding to see their growth from the beginning of the semester to the end of the semester. And to see their passion for nursing already even just at the beginning of the program, so I just find that really rewarding to teach the first semester.

Q: What is your superpower?
A: If I had one, I would say I would like the power to be able to manipulate or control time. It just seems like there’s so much I want to be able to do in a day in terms of preparing materials for my students and lecturing and doing the simulation lab and going to clinicals, and I just wish I had more time to do all of the things that I want to do with those things.

Q: What is something most people don’t know about you?
A: One thing that a lot of people don’t know about me is that I actually really like Broadway musicals and singing, and I really enjoy singing as a hobby. And I don’t sing very much anymore, but singing is something I really enjoy.