By ASHLEY STREHL, Staff Writer

Greasy, salty, finger foods are a must for any fast food loving American. But what is it about McDonalds fries in particular that makes the world go ‘round? There are more than 10 ingredients in your average McDonalds fry. According to several studies some of these ingredients can actually be cancerous. So why do we keep eating them? According to a poll by “Business Insider”, 34 out of 40 fast food patrons preferred McDonalds over twelve other fast food chain restaurants. According to a study from “Business Week” McDonalds buys 34 billion pounds of potatoes in America each year, and there are 2-3 potatoes in a large French fry. I know what you’re thinking by this point in the story, “Why didn’t she just title the article, ‘What would the world do without potatoes?’” That’s a good question folks; the editor is not sure if even she can answer that question. Americans do a lot of things that are bad for them, because we are stupid, maybe, or is it because we believe in living life to the fullest? The way I see it, we don’t live forever, so we can either eat fries, or not. It’s just that simple. Do what makes you happy, and for me, my happiness is found when I hear a soft voice speak to me through a speaker saying “Thank you for choosing McDonalds. What can I get for you today?”