By Cameron Quinby

Editorial Editor

My name is Cameron Quinby. I grew up around the Woodward area, and attended school in Fargo. I’m among the few whose favorite class in high school was English; I love to read just about anything, and there was never a shortage of reading assignments in English class! I enjoy writing, especially fiction and, when the topic is interesting, research papers.

I’m a bit of a junk food addict. Big Red and a Snickers bar is an acceptable meal for breakfast, lunch, or dinner in my opinion. So you really shouldn’t ask me for diet tips.

Predictably enough, I love dogs. Honestly, who doesn’t? I like cats, horses, birds, fish, and any number of other furry, scaly, or feathered critters, but none to me are so dear as man’s best friend. I really love dogs. Like, a lot.

So I mentioned I enjoyed writing, which is a big reason why I was interested in the newspaper. I don’t have a lot of experience writing for an audience bigger than a Creative Writing class of maybe six people, so writing for the paper is a little nerve racking.

But I’m hoping this will be a good learning experience. I’m looking forward to sharing some of my own opinions and getting to know other people’s thoughts and opinions on a variety of issues.


By Natalie Linville

Online Manager

My name is Natalie Linville, and I’m from a very small town in the panhandle called Beaver, Oklahoma. I will be the new online manager for the NWOSU newspaper. I am in charge of formatting and uploading articles to the website so students can read them.

I hope to make students interested in reading the newspaper. Also, I wish to keep students informed, because without someone uploading the articles to the internet nobody would know what’s going on. Amazing and informative articles are just clicks away!

I look forward to getting to know the staff of the newspaper and NWOSU.


By Jayden Dillion

Circulation Manager

Hi! My name is Jayden Dillon and I’m a Freshman from Jet, Oklahoma. I attended high school at Timberlake where
I was active in 4H, FFA, Student Council, Timberlake Youth Ministries, as well as fast and slow pitch softball. Here at Northwestern

I’m currently involved in the President’s Leadership Class, the concert and chorale choirs, the BCM, and I am an intern at the Alumni Foundation. My major is Mass Communications and my dream is that one day I will get the privilege of wishing all my Okies a good morning as an anchor on News Channel 5 in OKC.

I am currently serving as the Circulation Manager for Northwestern News.

My job is to pickup, prepare, and deliver the newspapers every Wednesday night so that you can pick up your copy from the news racks located around campus first thing every Thursday morning!