Let me start by letting you know how excited I am to see our campus community active again. It is truly an enjoyable site to see students on campus, going to class, building friendships, and eager to be together with their Ranger Family!
We have started this semester in a very unique way with face coverings and social distancing a part of our daily conversations and practices. Northwestern administration, along with employee and student input, worked diligently over the summer to develop the Rangers’ Return Plan. This plan was developed with the sole focus of getting our students, faculty, and staff back on campus for the fall 2020 semester. Safety, during this pandemic, was the key element we thought about as we focused on the goal.
What ultimately came out of the plan was policies and procedures that promoted safety while providing access to the outstanding education that is provided in our classrooms.
I want to list just a few items, described in the Rangers’ Return plan, that have made it possible for us to be on campus and will hopefully make it possible for us to complete this academic year in the same manner.
- Wear a face covering inside campus buildings and outside when social distancing is limited. Face coverings are provided to all campus community members and extras are provided in classrooms for those who may need one.
- Observe proper hygiene by washing your hands, utilizing hand sanitizer provided in the buildings, and not touching our face with your hands.
- Observe the social distancing seating in the classrooms. Non-seating spaces are marked in the classroom to promote social distancing.
- If you feel sick, stay home. If you have symptoms for COVID-19, please get tested.
- If you do test positive for COVID-19, notify my office immediately by calling or email (Phone (580) 327-8414; Email cnmosburg@nwosu.edu).
- Communication is key! Students should communicate with the Student Affairs office and with their instructors so they can best assist you.
Please review the full Rangers’ Return Plan at https://www.nwosu.edu/uploads//rangersreturn.pdf
Once again, I am excited to see our campus community active again and look forward to a successful semester. Thank you for acting responsibly and working together for our return to campus this fall.
Ride, Rangers, Ride!
Calleb Mosburg
Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management