by Michelle Willson, Editor-in-Chief

“The Autopsy of Jane Doe” follows a father-son corner duo that are investigating the death of a nameless girl dubbed Jane Doe. At first glance her body looks pristine no signs of damage no bruising no cuts no outwardly sign of why this girl died. Once they start the autopsy they see that this girls insights are completely destroyed her lungs like chard there’s water damage there’s cuts she was forced to swallow A flower that would make her go numb, her ankles and wrists are broken in multiple places she was even forced to swallow a piece of paper with some symbols on it. At first it looks like some sort of ritual sacrifice but you come to find out that that’s not the case.

The movie starts out really slow almost to the point where you don’t want to watch it but then it’s pizza up towards the middle and hold your attention till the end.

I gave this movie three out of five stars overall and 3 out of five on the scary scale. The rating is lower than I would like to give it but you really have to push through the first half to even get to the good parts. It is scary in a paranormal way which is nice but It really just takes a long time to ramp up to the good part.

I recommend this movie to anyone who likes more of the psychological thrillers. Or people who like scary movies that involve magic and witches. It’s definitely a movie that I would suggest you watch ones but not one of those that you Binge Watch over and over. I would also recommend the movie to anyone who likes to be left on a cliffhanger. Because this movie definitely leaves you with some questions that will probably never be answered.