
NewMovieReviewThis week we decided to get a little taste of home without actually going anywhere. Our pick this week:
“Home” (2015)

Natalie’s review-
3 OMG cutes out of 5
“Home” was delightfully creative and creatively a delight. It was humorous, adorable, and highly entertaining.
Jim Parsons, more lovingly known of as Sheldon Cooper of “The Big Bang Theory,” plays your favorite awkward-yet-lovable misfit. So essentially he is Sheldon Cooper in alien form.
Yes, the plot was predictable. Yes, the plot twists didn’t really twist at all. It is a kid’s movie, after all. If you’re looking for one of those kid’s movies that provides jokes and plot elements just for adults, this is not the movie for you. It’s not quite as menial in entertainment and predictable as Dora the Explorer, but it is in the same ballpark. Swiper is RIGHT THERE, Dora. He’s RIGHT THERE.
I will say that my least favorite aspect of this film was that it involved a lot of shameless self-promotion by Rihanna. I swear every other song was hers. Every time I heard her voice I cued a dramatic eye roll capable of dislodging my brain. That might have been preferred because I really did not want to listen to her sing.
As for adorableness, “Home” was a home run. Young children are sure to delight at these colorful and strange creatures.
Bottom Line: It’s a great film if you want a night out with your little people. It’s a wonderful, wholesome family movie that is surprisingly moving and worth your time.

Chris’ review-
4 OMG cutes out of 5
So as you can tell, I love a good kid’s movie. They really get to my feels. The simplest of messages somehow find a way to get to your heart the fastest. Home was no let down.
This movie is about an alien who doesn’t quite fit in with the rest of his species. While that’s a kind of extreme measure to compare to bullying amongst children, it’s pretty touching to see him find his friend, gain confidence, and get a new family. Oh by the way, spoiler alert.
My main problem with this adorably cute film is the ridiculous amount of music montages. I don’t mind having a couple of them in a kids movie because it’s a direct line to your heart strings. But there are like 5 or 6 in Home. Blah.
There were a few other underlying messages in the film like never giving up on family and some other Lilo and Stitch crap. Don’t get me wrong. It’s adorable. But my absolute favorite thing is how a misfit can find someone that loves him for who he is.
Bottom line: go watch this if your inner child is still alive. If not, steer clear. There isn’t a lot of all-around family humor. It’s still good though. Short, sweet, and to the point.