
NewMovieReview“RUN FORREST RUN!” says every non-runner who sees someone running. Can you tell what our movie is about? Our Pick this week:

“McFarland, USA.”


Chris’ Review-

3.5 running shoes out of 5

Alright ladies and germs, I have a fever of 102 and a throat that is torn to shreds as of writing this, so I’m going to be brief with you. Should you watch this movie? Sure. Why not?

“McFarland, USA” is just like any other sports movie you’ve ever seen…ever. Something good happens, some trials, and a good ending that literally waits for the last few minutes of the movie. That being said, I’m a sports fan, and a former runner, so I kinda don’t mind.

The acting is what you’d expect for a sports movie. You have a couple of guys that kinda stand out and may make the weaker man cry (Natalie’s boyfriend Jordan for example)? But other than that, the rest of the cast just fades into background noise and minor comic relief.

One aspect of this movie that I do like is that it is about running. Most sports films shy away from this sport in favor of football and basketball. This is mainly because the United States as a whole doesn’t really care about running until the Olympics rolls around, and even then most people can’t tell me who is on our team. This movie dared to go the distance. I commend them for the effort.

Bottom line: if you need to watch every sports movie that hits the big screen, go ahead and watch this film. You won’t be too let down, but you also won’t walk away having gained anything greater. I may be wrong, and this review may my temperature talking, so as always, you’ll have to go see for yourself.


Natalie’s review-

3 running shoes out of 5

“McFarland, USA” is a heartwarming family movie that portrays a refreshing outlook on Hispanic-American culture. This film is about a hot-headed coach who finds a new purpose in the most unlikely of areas. “McFarland, USA” follows the typical formula of most sports movies, yet follows the true story of a lesser-known sport and an unfocused-on demographic.

The McFarland Cougars are certainly a group of underdogs that you’ll be rooting for. McFarland, Calif.,  was one of the poorest towns in the nation in the late 1980s, the setting of this film. The students of McFarland High School have little hope for futures outside of the fields, nor are they motivated to aim for higher. That is, until Coach Kevin Costner comes into the mix. Costner, portraying the real-life character Jim White, develops a cross country team at McFarland High School, pushing the students to not only succeed on the course, but also in life.

Costner gives a heartfelt performance, balancing between sweet and gruff.  I’ve never been a huge Costner fan, viewing him as the less-cool Liam Neeson, but he proved me wrong in this film.

Bottom Line: If you’re in the mood for an uplifting, feel-good movie, race to the theatres to watch “McFarland, USA.”