by Bailey Rankin, 2019 NWOSU Mass Communications Alum

I never wrote that letter I promised you, so maybe now is as good a time as any.

I think you’re the best thing to happen to me at this school. I don’t know if there were any other professors who knew how to handle me so perfectly. I’m sure I didn’t make it easy, but you never gave up on me, and somehow you saw what I was capable of even when I wasn’t at my best.

Sure, you taught me important skills that I will need for a career, but what you showed me will stick with me for the rest of my life.

You showed me how kind and passionate a person can be.
You showed me how selfless and caring a person can be.
You showed me how strong a person can be.

Not only were you my professor, you were a friend that I never expected to make, but I’m grateful that I did, and I hope that you found the same in me. You weren’t Allison or Ms. Z, you were just Zimmerman, and that’s all I ever needed you to be.

I hope that even if I didn’t tell you these things in person, or write them down for you to read, that you still know how important you are to me. You make me want to work hard and be the best that there is in anything I do. And the worst part is, I didn’t realize this until you were gone.

But you’re the voice in my head, and because of this I suppose you’ll never truly be gone. You’ll stick with me every day of my life, because you’re my inspiration.

I know that you hate how upset we are right now, but it’s not because of you. It will never be because of you. We’re missing you and the great advice you always gave. We’re missing you and the countless other memories we should have been able to make together. We’re upset with the fact that you won’t be able to see what we accomplish in the future, due to what you instilled in us in the past.

You’re probably worrying about us and wondering how we’ll get through all of this, and I’ve got a simple answer.


I think you showed us so much understanding and care individually, that as we come together to mourn our loss, but also celebrate your life, there’s no way that we won’t help each other become better over time.

You’ve done a lot for me over the years, but there’s just one more thing I need you to do, okay?

Rest. We’ll take care of everything else.