by Carson Polk, Online Manager

Needles are my safety blanket. They help a lot of people, from medical reasons to… well, medical reasons. Anywho, it’s a bit different for me. I love piercings to a level most people are not comfortable with. I currently have eleven piercings, soon to be twelve. Of those eleven piercings six are still healing because I always get more than one piercing at a time aside from my septum piercing.

All of my piercings, listed chronological, are my first set of ear lobes, second set of ear lobes, septum, two low snugs, an industrial, eyebrow piercing, septum, and snake bites. By next week, it will be one more for my tongue if all goes to plan. After that, I will possibly (probably not) wait to get them all healed by December but I already have plans for more.

Why do I keep getting piercings? Well, its because I love making old people angry. Just kidding, I just love the look of them. Every time someone has a piercing I like, there is a chance I will have it within the next week. They make my life less boring and boredom is something I cannot stand. Even if said hole in my head causes me pain, it is still worth it to me.

The fact some people do not want piercings, whether it be simple ones like ear lobes or more major ones like the lip piercings I have startles me. I live in constant want to change my appearance whether it be minor or major.
Yes, I am aware they will leave scars if I take them out. Yes, I am aware the scars are permanent. Shockingly, people actually research body modifications before getting them. But even if I didn’t, mind your business. I am so tired of old people thinking I care a single bit what they think of my piercings.

The holes in my head are mine and only mine. They have no effect to you and no, I didn’t think of how it hurts you because it doesn’t. The more old people comment on my body mods, the more I get.

Like I said, I live to make old people angry and that includes the ones around me. Piercings, whether they be minor or major, are something I live for and will continue to get no matter what anyone says.