Student Reporter

We all know about it, watch it and binge it. Netflix: everyone’s fuel to the fire of procrastination. Once a series is started, it is game over. Say goodbye to social lives and tasks that need to be accomplished. I know for me, when I started Orange is the New Black, I was always watching the clock at work, dying to go home and get at least an episode in. I even ran my data up on my phone over 100 dollars due to a Netflix binge. I asked two Northwestern students about their past binges and other show recommendations they had.

Northwestern student Victoria Shnaufer, junior Mass Communication major had a popular recommendation: Grey’s Anatomy. She said the longest binge of the show she had was two days. What had drawn her to the show was its story-line drama. The show is on its 12th season, so there’s a lot to binge. Victoria also mentioned another show she loves, called IZombie. It’s a show about a girl who is turned into a zombie and lives day to day working in the morgue and helping the police. Originating from a comic book, I would say IZombie would be a perfect recommendation to all the Sci-Fi lovers out there.

Blaine Tomberlin, a Northwestern Sophomore and Ag Business major had a different perspective. Blaine’s interests seemed to be more comedic. He said Blue Mountain State was his favorite. This show is a comedy based on a fictional fraternity. It only aired for 3 seasons, but it was a popular show with the demographic of men as the target audience. Netflix has boomed in our society and is extremely popular with college students.

Netflix is constantly putting out new shows from regular T.V. stations and, more recently, their Netflix originals. There are many things to look out for in February of 2016 on Netflix. The show “Love” is going to debut on Netflix Feb. 19. Another show that everyone has been familiar with from the original “Full House,” comes a Netflix original, “Fuller House,” which is set to debut on February 26. “Fuller House” has most of the cast from the ‘90s original series. The show is set out to rediscover the familiarity of what some of us had grown to love in the original series. Though many are excited about new releases, some titles will sadly be leaving in February.

Some of the more famous titles like Stephen King’s “Bag of Bones” is set to leave in February, “Inside Secret America” is also set to be removed from Netflix in coming months. Netflix has grown to an empire in which most people just have Netflix instead of buying cable or satellite TV. Netflix is great, but make sure this semester you keep your Netflix binges to a healthy minimum!