By, MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

The show “We Can Be Heroes” follows the children of a superhero team called The Heroics as they try to save their hero parents who have fallen to an alien army.

The journey starts with their parents being abducted by aliens The kids are to be cast in a secure location but that goes south quickly as the aliens attack their safe room next.

The kids escape and you watch as they learn how to work together and use their powers. They also learn how to help the others on their team during their attempt to save the day.

I had high hopes for this movie because it was advertised as sort of a sequl to sharkboy and lavagirl.

In no way shape or form do I think it’s the second sharkboy and lavagirl that we all wanted but it didn’t disappoint. You do get to meet sharkboy and lavagirl’s daughter who they call guppy who was a part of the team of Children.

Missy Mireno is the daughter of The Heroics captain, So many people have high expectations for her but she doesn’t have powers. When the heroes get abducted she is taken to the safe room with the other children.

As chaos breaks loose she is the one who creates a plan for them to sneak out to save their parents. The movie really follows her as she deals with the thought that she’s not as good as the other kids as she leads this new band of heros. This movie is a Netflix original that was released on December 25th 2020. It’s a great movie for kids of all ages.

Personally, I watched it when I was watching my moms daycare kids one day and we all had a blast. I brought me back to when I was watching Sharkboy and Lava Girl, skyhigh and Spykids.

I think the movie shows a new perspective of the life of heroes and it also showcases a lot of unique powers in the original heroes and the new generation.

Netflix has announced that they already have a sequel in development which is amazing news.

I give this show a 4 out of 5 only because I was expecting it more to be a sequel of sharkboy and lavagirl as it was advertised but I was not disappointed with the end result.

I feel like this is the new sky high. If you like the sky high movie you would like this one. The date the sequel will premiere has not been announced but I am anxiously waiting apart two.