Dr. Ryle Kiser, assistant professor of education, earned his undergraduate degree in education and master’s degree in education administration, both from Eastern Washington University. His doctorate of education is from Central Michigan University. He was a school superintendent for 15 years and a principal for 19 years before that.

Q: What sold you on coming to NWOSU?
I like the fact that they wanted somebody to come and only focus on teaching and working with their students rather than joining to do a bunch of research. I wanted to actually work with them, and that’s what they emphasize here. So I will be teaching all graduate level classes in the education department.

Q: What is one of the first goals you hope to accomplish here?
That’s a good question. I just want to work with a good program that’s already been established and expand on it if I can.

Q: What is your favorite class to teach and why?
Since I’ve only taught three classes, I really don’t have a favorite. I’m teaching two personnel classes and one finance class. So I have only been doing it for basically three weeks now.

Q: What is your “superpower”?
I’d say it’s my memory. I have a really good memory. I basically remember all the stuff I read. I always tell people my mind is filled with tidbits of information. They are most times very helpful or they are just waiting to be helpful.

Q: What is something most people don’t know about you?
: Well since nobody in the university knows me at all, ha ha ha, I am married and have three kids and three grandchildren.