By DAVID THORNTON, student reporter

The fall semester has changed so much for Northwestern’s athletes, but these athletes still have high expectations for the spring semester.

“I’m looking forward to starting my season and continuing school regularly,” said Parrish Hewitt, senior basketball player.

“I am really just looking forward to playing ball and getting back to normal,” said Alejandro Aaron, junior linebacker.

With COVID-19 still running rampant, student athletes at Northwestern say they are unsure how Northwestern and other schools are going to react with this year’s spring break. Will it be a repeat of last year where students leave and are unable to return?

“I’m kind of just hoping we can get some sense of normalcy back,” Aaron said. He also said being able to play football, go to school and “kick it with your people,” is the normalcy he is wishing everyone can return to.

Student athletes say they are getting tired of the rules and regulations this pandemic has brought about. The student athletes say they just want to return to the way life was before the pandemic. This is a common feeling among others who are not athletes as well.

“I’m ready to just attack this next semester and overcome whatever obstacles are thrown at us,” Aaron said.

“Well for one, I’m looking forward to getting my credit hours done for my major,” said Alexa Leyva, sophomore track athlete. “I’m looking forward to also starting intense training for track.”

This spring semester, track will have some meets that will be considered the start of the indoor season.

Leyva said she is excited about competing, but is unsure about what will happen after spring break.

“I’m actually on the fence for spring break,” Leyva said. “As much as I want to get that next semester done, I know we all are going to need the break before going out strong.”

Students athletes said this semester has been stressful because of COVID-19, but remaining cautious has almost become natural and routine.