Dear Editor,

I thoroughly enjoy picking up a copy and reading the newspaper each week.

Through reading the paper, I have been able to keep up to date on campus activities and news.

What I like the most about your paper is you include everything; you don’t just focus on a specific campus group or activity. You make sure to give everyone on campus equal opportunity to shine.

Being new to Alva this semester, I came from Fort Hays State University.

FHSU honestly was mainly focused on their football, baseball, and men’s basketball program.

If you were involved in anything else, you were never given the space or opportunity to be known on campus. To be quite honest, I don’t even think there even was a newspaper on campus for students to pick up and read.

The Hays Post was the only newspaper on campus, ran by professionals. Students weren’t given the opportunity to write in the paper.

I really like how the rodeo team is featured in the newspaper.

Many had no idea we even had a rodeo team let alone club on campus at FHSU.

Here, the rodeo team is well known and supported. It means a lot. We work just as hard to keep our animals and ourselves in shape and practice for hours on end.

Thanks for providing such a great paper to read.

Dear Editor,

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this week’s issue of the Northwestern News.

All of the articles were well written and I can tell ya’ll as a staff put in a lot of work to construct such an insightful newspaper. I especially enjoyed the sports section this week, however I noticed that one person wrote most of the stories, Ryan Shumaker.

In order to make the sports stories more personal I feel like each sport should have someone writing sports stories each week about the team so Shumaker isn’t the only one doing all the work. Also, with the athletes writing the stories the content of the stories will be much more in depth and exciting for the reader.

All in all the Northwestern News is always enjoyable to read. Keep up the good work and don’t believe that people don’t read the news just because there is always hundreds of extras lined up every single day in the places to get the papers around campus.

Dear Northwestern News Editor,

My name is Selena Estrada and I am a freshman and currently a mass communication major. I write for the Northwestern News sometimes for my News Reporting class.

I wanted to write a response about the movie review section. I love how this section is always included on the paper. It certainly is one of my favorites because I love movies and seeing reviews on some I may want to see really helps me out on deciding whether or not I should spend money on it.

This week’s review was over ‘The Boss’ and personally I was kind of disappointed on the reviews since I thought it would be good because Melissa McCarthy would be in it. I decided to take a chance and watch it anyway, and I discovered that the reviews made by Natalie Sacket and Trenton Judd were pretty accurate.

‘The Boss’ was certainly not one of McCarthy’s best films. I definitely enjoy reading the movie review section of Northwestern News because I believe they review it fairly and are more than often pretty accurate on the reviews they make.

I would like to end this letter by just saying that Northwestern News does a great job on their newspaper and I enjoy reading it each week.

Yours truly,

Selena Estrada