Mackayla Womack, left, and Mikayla Webb, right, work on homework assignments in LASSO room Monday. The LASSO program is one of two grant-funded programs on campus aiming to help students with academics.

By Alli Schieber

Whether Northwestern students need help building a resume, getting career advice or learning more about financial aid, two programs at Northwestern are there to help them.

The Title III LASSO Project and Trio Student Support Services program are grant-funded and aim to help students have better experiences at Northwestern, directors said.

Mackayla Womack, left, and Mikayla Webb, right, work on homework assignments in LASSO room Monday. The LASSO program is one of two grant-funded programs on campus aiming to help students with academics.


The LASSO Project is funded with a Strengthening Institution Programs grant, Northwestern Title III Director Lisa Franz said.

LASSO stands for leadership, academic success and superior outcomes. Franz said the grant is geared toward enhancing student success, engagement and purpose-driven education.

The project has two learning coaches who offer academic advisement and help students find their advisors. A certified career coach – Taylor Phillips – helps students find out what to major in and what to prepare for after college.

Phillips will host a resume-building workshop Thursday and a speed-interviewing workshop Oct. 4. All students are eligible to receive assistance from LASSO at no charge. No application is necessary. The program’s office is in Ryerson Hall Room 142.


The Trio Student Support Services program offers help to first-generation, low-income students and students receiving ADA accommodations.

The program’s goal is to increase graduation rates and levels of good academic standing, program director Tosh Miller said. Unlike LASSO, Trio is allowed to help only a certain number of students, so there is a short application process.

Trio connects students with a project advisor and a student coach. They work on setting goals and whatever else the student may need.

Trio also conducts educational workshops, such as a mental health workshop that took place in August. On Sept. 29, Northwestern Financial Aid Director Tara Hannaford will host a workshop over FASFA preparation.

Study sessions and tutoring services are also available for participating students. Some upcoming sessions are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Trio is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Ryerson Hall Room 105. There is no deadline to apply.