by McKayla Holson, Editorial Editor

Hello, it’s me, the unopinionated editorial/opinions editor.

Thinking of something to write about can be hard sometimes. I don’t go on grand adventures often and my life isn’t totally exciting. I could write a book over things I’ve seen and heard at Little Sahara State Park where I work, but I’m not sure many of them are fit for print.

I also don’t really like to voice my opinion on things. Rarely do I speak up, voice my thoughts and give people my two cents. I’m getting better about it, it’s a work in progress, but it’s a constant battle.

I oftentimes think my opinion doesn’t really even matter anyway, so what’s the point in spending the energy to express my thoughts? Yes, I realize that’s is a poor outlook on the situation, but I hate the thought of wasting someone’s time.

I could write about topics I enjoy, like interesting bee facts I learn, my favorite games or my fails in the kitchen, but I’m not sure what people want to hear about.

I could also go off on rants, and I have started writing those pieces before, but I usually just end up scrapping them. there’s so much negative in the world, why should I add to it? I sometimes just write blurbs of articles to get my feelings out and trash them as my own personal therapy session. You should see the notes on my phone, it’s where my feelings go to be expressed and then die.

I don’t do politics, that’s a big ‘ol can of worms I do not wish to open. Plus, every day people have politics shoved down their throats and there’s no reason for me to contribute to that waterboarding session.

Back to the not expressing my opinions. I’m what the kids might call a people pleaser. I try not to stir the pot and upset people. Expressing opinions can do that. I express my opinion when necessary, but I’ve learned to pick and choose my battles. Some people just don’t want to listen to what you have to say.

I feel like I was notorious in high school for writing opinionated essays in a way that pleased both sides, I never actually fully picked one or the other. I even did that for a scholarship essay once. It was back when the “build the wall” topic was in full force and we had to write about the wall and Liberty Island. I didn’t really have an opinion formed about it, and I didn’t know what the judge’s opinions were, so I just wrote in a neutral tone. I knew what my English teacher wanted to read, so I did my best to please her and the opposing side. Afterall, you’re supposed to write to the likings of your teacher otherwise you might suffer a bad grade. Or so they say. I guess it worked out though because I ended up winning a scholarship for that essay.

Do I wish I was more vocal about my opinions? Sure. But I also feel that there should be a balance of opinionated and neutral people in the world and I’m just trying to play my role as a neutral person.

If there’s ever a topic you want people to know about, you can write and send in an article about it and I can publish it for others to read and learn about it. Or you could send me topic ideas and I’ll research them and maybe even write an article about it myself.

My email is on page four in the box at the bottom of the page if you would like to send anything in.