
The NWOSU faculty recital is back after a successful first year. The recital will be Jan. 30 at Alva Presbyterian Church and doors open at 6:30 p.m. The recital is free however, it is encouraged by faculty to bring canned goods for the Campus Cabinet. Last year the faculty of the NWOSU Reichenberg Department of Fine Arts decided to get together and host a faculty recital.
Many of the people in attendance last year would say it was a lot of fun. The faculty really had fun with it as they performed last year. Thomas Cornell, an art professor, performed a piece by John Cage, 4’33”. Where he sat at a piano with a stop watch and did not touch the piano but instead time the silence for 4 minutes and 33 seconds. After he performed Cornell explained to the audience that this was in fact how the piece 4’3” by John Cage is written.
Another performance the crowd enjoyed was professoar Lawana Newell and her husband Douglas Newell they performed “Duetto Buffo di Due Gatti” (Duet by Two Cats), the song is only one word that is repeated over and over, meow, Douglas were a cat tail why performing and the audience was able to understand the song was about two cats falling in love. This year the faculty are going to present pieces that showcase their expertise. Somethings that can be expected are vocal music, piano, tuba, flute, theoretical performances and artwork.