NWOSU Alumni, Braylon Bradt representing the Bradt’s Menagerie. Photo by Allie SchieberFrom left to right: Ranger King finalist, Gilberto Ramos and Brayden Stoner, Freshman Queen, Abby Guffy, Ranger Queen, Ally Meek, Ranger King, Draven Hildalgo, Ranger Queen finalist Chloe Lehr and Emily Smith, flower girl Ella Martin and crown bearer Ace Thompson. Photo by University Relations.Miss. Oklahoma Sunny Day and Miss. Woodward Jessica Davis at the Miss. Cinderella pageant on Friday night. Photo by Allie Schieber.High school students from local schools play in the mass band on Ranger Field. Photo by Austin Judkins.NWOSU President Bo Hannaford and Tara Hannaford ride in the Homecoming parade around the Alva Downtown Square on the morning of Oct. 7. Photo by University Relations.Ranger cheerleaders Rylee Hughes and Chesney Kimbrel at the Ranger Rally. Photo by Austin Judkins.Northwestern Scholar Ambassadors Homecoming float in the parade. Photo by Tara Owen.Local high school color guards performing on Ranger Field on Oct. 7. Photo by Austin Judkins.