NWOSU welcomed several high school seniors to campus on Saturday for Ranger Preview.

Each student that attended recieved a $600 scholarship to NWOSU. They also got to talk to faculty, tour the campus and see all the clubs and organizations that NWOSU has to offer.

The students also recieved free t shirts and got to witness our Ranger win against the SWOSU bulldogs.
Many of the campus clubs were set up on the sidewalk leading to Coranado Cafeteria so that the seniors can visit with them and see what they may be interested in if they choose to attend next fall.

The students majors, sports and theater programs were set up in the mall area and all around campus for seniors to chat with.

E-Sports was set up in their room for students to see all the equipment and games they offer.
Seniors also recieved a free lunch from the cafeteria.

High school seniors talk with Shane Hansen, right, at Ranger Preview Saturday.

Above and right, high school students and their families were visiting club booths, touring campus and filling out paper work.