NWOSU chemistry major Seth Schrader

By Bailey Garza

Student Reporter

A chance like this may come only once in a life time here at Northwestern. That once in a lifetime chance came this summer for student athlete Seth Schrader.

Schrader got the opportunity to study overseas Oxford University. Oxford University is located in Oxford, England. He got this opportunity through a program called Oxford Study Centre. The Oxford Study Centre is an advanced worldviews course that includes personal mentoring, a worldview intensive, and tutorials with world-class Oxford tutors.

It has been in a partnership with the Oxford Study Abroad Program since 2007 and Pioneers since 2010. The director and resident scholar of the centre is Kevin James Bywater. He and his family have been living in England since 2014.
Schrader received news that he would be attending Oxford in early august and has been there ever since. Seth Schrader is 19 years old. He is from Enid. While attending Northwestern he was a chemistry major and was a player on the NWOSU football team. Schrader would have been a redshirt freshman this upcoming season.

Schrader is currently studying chemistry, physics, Old Testament law, New Testament ethics and Islamic studies. “The oxford tutorial system is an intensive one-on-one, professor to student class,” Schrader said.

It’s been quite the transition for Schrader living in Oxford. The main transportation in Oxford is by foot or bicycle. “It has been a bit of a transition going for groceries on foot and then carrying them back in my back pack and arms, instead of going to Walmart in my truck,” Schrader said.

Being in Oxford seems to be different but life changing, according to Schrader. He has to look three times before crossing the street due to frequent drivers on the left side of the rode instead being on the right side.

Other than learning about his everyday studies for his major, Schrader is getting to learn about the British culture and other cultures. “It has been great getting to know not only the British culture but also other international cultures,” Schrader said.

Schrader said that Oxfod is overall a very international city, as lots of people travel here from across the world. “I can tell already that this will be a very challenging but rewarding, experience, mentally, physically, and spiritually” Schrader said.

Schrader will be attending Oxford University for the remainder of the 2018 fall semester. He will return to Northwestern in the spring to finish out his sophomore year and continue his college football season.

Schrader is pursuing an opportunity of a lifetime. He is representing the student body of Northwestern.