After years of discussions the outdoor classroom finally begins work.
Talk of what to do with the space that will be home to an outdoor classroom in a couple of weeks was first discussed while President Janet Cunningham was still here.
The space was used for storage at the point it was tore down but before that it was a boiler room.
Executive vice president, Dr. David Pecha, said they looked at different ideas and concepts to put in that space and how to pay for the project before ultimatly landing on what is there now.
Pecha also said if money could get raised an awning could be added eventually as well as a some sort of plaque or column to honor the universities founders.
The concrete takes about three weeks to cure then they will add a sealer after that it will be available for use and some of the tables around the student center will be added up there. When talking with faculty and staff before the project was finalized staff said they wanted a place where they could take a class outside when the weather was warmer. Pecha says he thinks the area is much more inviting and will be a great place for students, faculty and staff to take a break between classes.
“It is much more inviting space especially with the steps for people to sit on, or if a group wants to get up there impromtely start singing they got a space to do that,” Pecha said. “Hopefully faculty and staff and guess will utilize that space as it gets warmer.”