Posters from 2018's Paintpalooza

by Amber Scales, Student Reporter

Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s annual “Paintpalooza” has kicked off for the year.

Displays from last year’s Paintpalooza are shown in this photo.

Paintpalooza is an event during homecoming that allows groups and clubs to paint boards representing their organizations. The boards will be displayed on campus between the library and the science building. The club with the best board will win $200, and the club with the second best board will win $100.

The boards are due Oct. 16.

Olivia Yandel is in charge of the event.

“Paintpalooza is a way to get different clubs and organizations on campus to participate in the decorating aspect for homecoming week, so rather making the Student Government Association put up all the decorations on campus, it allows everyone to get involved in the homecoming theme,” she said. “The main focus is to decorate for homecoming. It is a fun thing for students and clubs to get involved in so they can get their name out for people to see what is going on, and it’s pretty cool for people to see the creative ability that all the clubs and organizations have on campus.”

The following groups have signed up to participate: SGA, the Student Nurses Association, the Writers Roundtable, the Art Society, the Math Club, Delta Zeta, the Spanish Club, Fryer Hall, NWTV-7, the Castle Players Club, and Phi Delta.