Feature Editor

578149_581312671939542_1088027729_nIve always enjoyed the english languge. I believe it is a langage worthy of reverence and preservation……… It should be highly-esteemed and used-correctly. Unfortunately, for grammar nerds, however, it is a cruel world. Its a world filled with LOL, JK, gr8, and other nonsensical jargon. Its a world where when you remind someone its “who” instead of “whom,” you get massacred as a grammar Nazi. I’m sorry I’m an advocate for linguistic clarity and preservation!

For those of you with an eye for English usage, you may have noticed I had nearly a dozen errors in the previous paragraph. (Sorry to all my English/Literature professors.) You might have thought to yourself, “What a hypocrite! Lecturing us on correct grammar while practically burning a dictionary! What a jerk!” Well, I swear it is merely to prove a point.

As I am an English major aiming to gain a job in communications, correct grammar and English usage is not only important, it is a necessity. If I submit a story to a newspaper riddled with errors such as can be found in my first paragraph, I will instantly lose all credibility with both my editor and the reader.

Yet, when I try to bring my love of proper English usage into the real world, I am greeted with the cold, harsh reality that NOBODY CARES. I love correcting grammar, but I love having friends more. Unfortunately, you can’t have both.

So I will continue to keep it to myself that you texted me “you’re” instead of ‘your.” (Even though a little piece of me will die inside.) I’ll let it slide when you say you’re doing “good.” I’ll continue to be a closeted grammar nerd. Until the day it is socially acceptable to love proper English, c u l8r, nerds.