Senior Reporter

While many struggle to go to the gym, Chloe Jordan goes every day of the week, to the workout classes and works out twice per day, but it was not always that way.
Chloe Jordan is 20 years old and she is often seen at the gym. She is involved in many workout classes the Wellness Center has to offer, from cycling class, body burn class and yoga class. Although she attends many of the classes, she also works out outside of those classes.
“I just really like to push myself to see what my body is capable of and to see how hard I can go without hurting myself,” Jordan said. When Jordan is not working out, going to the gym, or going on a run, she is studying to become a certified personal trainer, which is no surprise. She studies online from a tech school. She is almost done and will soon receive her certification. “I plan to help people learn how to exercise and move efficiently and effectively in the long term,” she said.
Jordan has not always worked out. She began coming to the gym last year and overall began working out three years ago. The reason she started working out is because family members and friends would criticize her body. “It was hurtful but looking at it now, I’m grateful for it” Jordan said, “Those insults got me to where I am today, and I’ve never been happier with where my body’s at and what I can do.”
While Jordan is at the gym, many people recognize her. She often says words of encouragement during the workout classes and is inspiring others to keep going.
Whether she is walking on the track or taking a break between sets, she’s always complimenting those around her.
“It’s literally God,” she said, “I just think I’m here in this class right now, I’m in this space lifting this weight because God gave me a body that works and that I should take care of,” Jordan said.
Jordan is always positive, even when everyone in the class is exhausted and tired.
She stresses the importance of making a choice to be healthy. She sees the impact that each women makes the choice to go to the classes. “I just see God in that,” Jordan said, “He gave these women the heart to want to go to workout class, to want to challenge themselves and do better.”