By Bailey Rankin

Student Reporter

3.14159265359… to some the numbers of the equation Pi may seem to go on forever.

To members of the Red Hot Chili Preppers, the number of pies created seemed to go on forever.

On March 12, seven members from the Red Hot Chili Preppers, a newly formed culinary club on Northwestern’s campus, met to create 30 pies such as the traditional cherry, apple, blueberry and pecan from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m…

They did not stop there though, the club even experimented with flavors like Butterfinger, Oreo, peanut butter, Nutella and lemonade pies.

The Red Hot Chili Preppers partnered with Northwestern’s Math Club in celebration of National Pi Day, which is celebrated on March 14 (3/14) around the world.

When asked why the culinary club volunteered to make the pies, Red Hot Chili Prepper president, Chloe Nutley, had this to say “We chose to do pie day because several of our members are also members of the Math Club and it was a good opportunity for the culinary club to get on our feet.”

On March 14, both the Math Club and the Red Hot Chili Preppers will hold a Pi Day celebration in the Student Center Ballroom together, where free slices of pie will be available.

The event is open to all students who will also be able to participate in a Pi-themed game of Jeopardy!

The National Pi-Day event will take place from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday evening.