By, CONNOR GRAY, Student Reporter

Northwestern’s 2020 Homecoming celebration, which was postponed last fall because of the coronavirus pandemic, has officially been canceled.
The annual event takes place in October and includes a parade, a highly attended football game and a pageant. Officials said it was postponed to comply with safety restrictions.
However, officials say they are planning for the 2021 celebration to take place in a traditional format.
Dr. David Pecha, the university’s vice president of administration, said the annual weekend celebration helps the local economy and is an enjoyable event for university students and alumni. The university’s Homecoming committee made the decision to cancel the 2020 event.
As the first year of the pandemic is nearly over, universities and schools are still grappling with the economic and social fallout from the virus. Sporting events and student events have been canceled, and officials have imposed strict safety guidelines aimed to help stop the spread of the virus.
Pecha recently talked with the Northwestern News about the possibility of the 2021 Homecoming celebration happening this fall.
He said the plan is to make Homecoming a reality, and that all the plans for the 2020 Homecoming are expected to take place this year, though those plans are not set in stone.
University officials are tentatively planning to host Homecoming Oct. 7, 8 and 9.
“The plan, as of now, is to go back to a traditional Homecoming with normal things that happen,” Pecha said.
The university does not plan to replace the 2020 Homecoming, and school officials will instead prepare for this year’s fall event, he said.