by Logan Meriwether, Student Reporter

Powderpuff football is back at Northwestern Oklahoma State University.
The Northwestern News sat down with Olivia Yandel, who is overseeing the event, to find out why the event was brought back to life, and to find out how NWOSU’s female students can participate.

Q: Olivia, thanks for your time. What is Powderpuff football?

A: Powderpuff football is flag football but for girls only. This was a tradition during homecoming week for the women of NWOSU to participate in. They stopped it for a few years because there was a lack of interest, but we decided to bring it back.

Q: How can girls sign up to participate?

A: A girl can sign up to participate at the front desk of the Wellness Center, or they can just show up to the next practice. It will be held Oct. 14 at the intramural field. Sophomore, juniors, and graduates will practice from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Freshmen and seniors will practice from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Q: Why is this tradition being brought back to NWOSU?

A: This tradition was brought back because it was a highly attended event back in the day. Many women not only enjoy playing in it, but student on campus also enjoy watching it.

Q: Who will coach the girls?

A: The coaches for the freshmen and senior team will be Vinay Patel, the head basketball coach, and his wife, Megan. His student assistants are Maurice Wright Jr. and Aharon Barnes. The coach for the sophomore, junior, and graduate team will be Fred Aubuchon, the head volleyball coach. His student assistants are Trent Easley and Kenny Miller

Q: When will the game be held?

A: The game will be Oct. 23 at 7:00 p.m. at the intramural field by the dorms.

Q: Are girls on campus excited for the event?

A: Yes! We had a few girls show up to the planning meeting on Monday. Several who were unable to attend e-mailed me and told me they would like to play. I hope several girls come out and enjoy this event. Many of them voiced that they know nothing about football, but just want to come have fun. That’s what it is all about.