By Tara Owen, Student Reporter

Leigh Kirby is a returning psychology professor at Northwestern. She has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Steven F. Austin State and a master’s degree from Texas A&M.

After receiving her master’s degree, she became a licensed counselor.

She returned to Texas A&M to obtain a Ph.D. in counselor education and supervision. She taught at Northwestern from 2012 to 2019, and she moved back to Texas to be with family in a time of need.
Kirby returned to Northwestern and is now a remote professor.

Q: What brought you to Northwestern?
A: Northwestern was definitely a positive environment for me. It was something that I was very familiar with.
Coming back to Northwestern was a breath of fresh air for me. It was a blessing for them to allow me to teach remotely. Being able to come back as a professor was something that I was very excited to do.

Q: What are you looking forward to accomplishing this year with your students?
A: When I became an instructor, my entire goal was to be an advocate for students. I remember being in school, and some of the professors made my education goal difficult. Now, being an instructor, I want to be an advocate for my students.
My other goal is to help develop efficient, effective and ethical counselors.

Q: Who was a hero of yours growing up?
A: My parents. They were primary people in my life that provided the support and motivation for me. They always supported me with all my decisions that I made through the years. Another hero of mine would have to be my grandmother.
She was such a strong and independent woman, and she helped me become who I am today.

Q: What are some of your hobbies?
A: I have been married for 19 years, and I have an 11-year-old son. Very regularly we go camping as a family. It is something that we all enjoy.

Q: If you could have a superpower what would it be?
A: To be able to fly and go places would be the best superpower. If I wanted to be more logical about it, I would like to have the power to help others be more respectful of each other.