Shannon Nesseralla’s dog Harley is pictured. -Photo by Shannon Nesseralla

Dogs may just be a part of your life, but you are their whole life.

For the last 12 months, I have been taking care of an extremely energetic, stubborn and clingy German shepherd that I thought I needed to have, and, well I did.

My Harley girl is my best friend. A life with a companion like a dog is one I always want to have. I think it’s the best.

Now, I can see where some people may not want to be responsible for a fur baby, but I absolutely love it.

All my dog wants is love and attention. Anywhere I go, she goes.

German shepherds are one of the most loyal dog breeds, and they strive to make their owners happy.

My dog is extremely loyal and protective. She is always on guard when I am outside and when she sees people. It gives me a sense of protection when I have her with me.

With owning an extremely clingy dog, you are accepting the fact that they will want to be with you. My bed is almost 75% her bed now. She thinks my legs make a great pillow. Anytime I eat, she is constantly begging to have what I’m having.

They are also a very smart breed. Harley will lay still each morning until I wake up, and as soon as she sees me awake, she immediately jumps off and makes me get up with her.

Recently, she has started sitting randomly in her crate. Every time I put her in there, I give her a treat, so she now thinks sitting in it will result in treats. Training them to do something is fast because they strive to please their owner.

German shepherds require a lot of exercise. Leaving them inside all day is not a good fit for the breed. My dog absolutely loves to go outside to run around and play. The squeakier the toy, the better. Sometimes, I feel like she’s taking me on walks instead of the other way around.

My dog has required me to change a few lifestyle habits for the better. I can no longer lay in bed all day watching Netflix. I have to get up and tend to her needs. I also can’t leave stuff lying all over the place because she gets curious and wants to make everything her own. She has made a couple pieces of clothes her chew toy.

My dog isn’t perfect for everyone, but she is perfect for me. I will always love the German shepherd breed as a pet and companion.