By Kirsten Kirtley, Student Reporter

“Purple Hearts” is a Netflix film that came out in July 2022.

The film is the fictional story of an aspiring musician with diabetes and a Marine who get married for financial benefits.

“Purple Hearts” is based on the novel by the same name written by Tess Wakefield.
The film is rated PG-13.

Personally, I would give the film four stars.

The only thing preventing me from rating the film five stars is the predictable ending.

There are a few things that caught me off guard during the film, but without revealing too much, parts of it reminded me of a typical romance film that has been shown before.

The film didn’t have a slow start, which helped me stay interested and not get bored.

I liked that the movie started out with showing separate clips of both the main characters’ lives in an effort to introduce them rather than having a narrator.

In some films, the story immediately begins, and viewers must assume things about the characters, rather than being told.

It added a sense of individuality to each character instead of introducing them together, following the idea of the marriage being for financial benefit and not for love.

I like the fact that this film took the extra time to properly introduce the characters and allowed viewers to make the distinctions.

In my opinion, the quality of acting throughout the film helped tell the story and make it feel more real.
Although the ending was a bit predictable, the rest of the film had some surprising events.

I never got bored watching the film and found it to be heartfelt, sentimental, happy, sad and relatable. Parts of the film were sometimes funny, and it was entertaining all around.

I also liked the music and sound effects that were included throughout the film.

I think that it added quality and an emotional effect.

Overall, the film “Purple Hearts” is now one of my favorite romance movies.

Although it is somewhat predictable and reminded me of other romance movies I’ve watched in the past, it is unique in its own way and tells a good story.

If one is a fan of romance movies, I recommend taking the time to watch “Purple Hearts.”