by Michelle Willson, Editor-in-Chief

‘Randonautica’ becomes popular quarantine game.

The app “Randonautica” has gained a lot of downloads throughout quarantine and grew popular by the app TikTok.

Basically, the app will give you random quantum points of higher low energy to send Randonauts to (what they call people who use the app). Randonauts will set their intention for the point and head off.

On TikTok a lot of users set their first intentions to colors to test it out and most of them will see the colors that they picked at their spot. There’s also been many people who have set their intent as money, friends, something scary and something life changing.

I was intrigued so I downloaded the app and me and my friends decided to try it out. In theory, the app would be good if we did not live in the middle of miles of private owned fields. Throughout our adventures one night we could not even make it to a single point because they were all blocked by fences.

I wish we could have went to one of the points but I really didn’t want to get in trouble for trespassing because of an app. The app does warn users not to trespass because they don’t have the technology to know what’s private land and what’s not. I know from friends who have used it that it is fine when you can make it to your point but I’m sad me and my friends needed to experience that. I give this app two and a half out of five stars because I know it could be good and I know it is good another places but it just really doesn’t work in Oklahoma.

Randonautica also has a Reddit page where you can put your experiences and read other people’s. It’s cool to see what other people set their intention as and what they saw. I would check it out if you haven’t already.