Student Reporter

With Northwestern’s homecoming right around the corner, Ranger Royalty applications are due, and campaigning will begin shortly.

Applications became available Sept. 4 and will be available until Sept. 16. They are due by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 16 to Fine Arts Room 126.

Ranger Royalty applications can be found in two spots on campus. Students can go to Fine Arts Room 126 or pick one up outside the SGA Room in the Student Center.

There are rules for the contest and they are as follows:

  1. Each female candidate running for Ranger Queen must have completed at least one semester at NWOSU and completed a minimum of at least 31 earned credit hours prior to nomination and must be currently enrolled. A current campus club or organization must sponsor each candidate. Freshman Queen must be currently enrolled with no more than 30 credit hours earned. No one shall run for Freshman Queen more than once. NO EXCEPTIONS! A club and organization can only sponsor 1 candidate.
  2. Each male candidate running for Ranger King must be currently enrolled at NWOSU.

A current campus club or organization must sponsor each candidate. NO EXCEPTIONS!

  1. There will be an entry fee of $20 for each candidate. The fee must be paid at the time of entrance as well as providing three different wallet size photos of the candidate (these pictures will not be returned to the candidate). The money, photos, and applications must be turned in at the Student Services, Fine Arts Room 126.
  2. Applications can be picked up in the Student Government Office in the Student Center and Fine Arts Room 126 Friday, September 4th. All entry forms and money must be submitted by Wednesday, September 16th at 5:00 p.m. to the Student Services Office in FA 126. The Ranger Queen and Ranger King will be announced at the Homecoming football game on Saturday, October 10th at half time. All remaining campaigning material must be removed from campus by no later than October 12th at 5:00pm.
  3. Candidates can display ONE standard size poster (22” x 28”). The poster can be in one of the following areas: Coronado Hall, South Hall, Fryer Hall, Ament Hall or the Cafeteria. Other posters, not exceeding 9” x 12”, may be posted in an unlimited number across campus. You MUST contact and receive approval from Ted Robinson before you post any fliers in the cafeteria. No signs may be posted on glass doors and no paper or cardboard posters may be posted outside of buildings on any object such as trees, walls, tables, trash cans, etc.


  • Post on painted walls
  • Use adhesives, Velcro, duct tape or any other material that will damage paint
  • Use side walk chalk
  • Post on vehicles
  • Post on glass behind voting booth during the election
  • Post on doors (You can post on faculty doors and dorm doors if it is approved by the faculty member of dorm resident
  • Handout materials may be distributed in an unlimited amount. The candidates will be held responsible if a problem arises.
  • Hand out vouchers that promote free alcohol, tobacco, or drugs
  1. Results of Freshman Queen Election, primary and final elections for the Ranger Queen and Ranger King are subject to publication in the Northwestern News.
  2. All applications will be reviewed by the SGA Executive office.
  3. During the campaign, the candidates cannot hang around the student center. SGA can ask you to leave if you sitting in the student center to make sure that voting is not influenced.

If you have any questions or would like more information, contact Kaylyn Hansen at (580) 327-8439 or by email at