I’ve been asked on multiple occasions throughout my life why I like reading so much. The people who ask me these questions typically are people who have trouble reading themselves, either due to developmental or learning disabilities or because they just find the process boring. I’ve tried giving them advice like trying to read often or just find a book with a plot that interests them, but to no avail.

So that’s why, I’ll be giving you the best ideas I have for getting into reading novels.

The first and most important step is finding a genre you like. For example, if you’re someone who likes action and doesn’t care much for complicated plots or lore, I’d recommend authors like Tom Clancy or Richard Paul Evans. Maybe you’d prefer books aimed at teens and young adults.

If you’re someone who grew up with parents who’d read you books about mythologies, then I would recommend looking for a fantasy or mythological fiction book to get started.If you’re someone who’s a fan of stories that are more slow-burn, I’d direct you towards the romance or mystery genre.

The next step when getting into reading is to start with something easy. What I mean by this is say, if you are someone who likes suspense thrillers, don’t buy a book with a complicated plot like “House of Leaves.” by Mark Z. Danielewski and expect to enjoy it. Trust me, all that’ll do will make you hesitant to pick up your second book.

Instead, start with something that was made for pre-teens and up and slowly work your way up to the harder-to-understand books.

Now you must set a goal in order to make sure you don’t forget the promise you made to yourself to read more. Me personally, my set goal is to read at least two pages of the books I’m currently reading once a day. It may not sound like much, but it’s enough to encourage me to read in the little free time I have.

Finally, if you’re reading a book and you feel yourself getting tired or sleepy and begin to feel like giving up on what you’re reading: Take a break. Watch a show you like, hang out with your friends or work on your side project. There’s nothing wrong with taking it slow.

Don’t beat yourself up just because you are unable to meet your goal of reading a hundred books in a month like all the influencers on social media seem to be doing nowadays.

Believe me when I say that people who look down on others just because they don’t read as much or can’t read as fast as them are nothing more than pompous dullards who can’t look themselves in the mirror without feeling the need to put others down.