
Chris OpinionWhat makes headlines nowadays is ISIS or ISIL, Ebola and American gun attacks.

Whether you call it Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or Islamic State of Iraq and Levant is not the point. About two weeks ago, three teenage Denver girls were en route to Syria to pledge their allegiance to the terrorist group but were intercepted in Germany.

I don’t know what could be more serious than this. According to the girls, it was via social media that they get into contact with the group. Over the months past, videos of journalists being beheaded were all over the Internet. The interesting fact is that, this societal plight is dealt with as well on the basis of political correctness. The terrorists claim they are the charting this course of gruesome barbarism because the U.S has failed to withdraw its troops from Iraq. They vowed to take their cruelty to a higher pedestal.

That not being enough, Ebola is also extending its territory, moving into other states. Interesting huh? From Texas into New York and New Jersey, it’s on. A lot is been talked about, but how much exactly is being done? Well, the nurse who was infected has survived the virus. Awesome, but the main focus must be its eradication entirely on American soil.

The other issue is gun attacks, which I call the “American terrorism” of the day. “American terrorism” is the avoidable deaths that result from folks acting inappropriately with their firearms. The most sufferers of this are minors. I wouldn’t want to go into the statistics of the kids the U.S has lost just over a few months due to kids killing kids or gunmen breaking into schools to harm kids. My submission has nothing to do with pro- or anti-Second Amendment feelings. Every law in the American Constitution has a reason. Folks could own guns, but could there be policies to make them safer so the country does not lose any more of the younger generation, the future of the nation?

ISIS kills Americans in their territory and we all speak ill of their acts. How about a 13-year-old who takes his dad’s weapon and goes to school to harm his or her friends? Could that not be likened to the act committed by an ISIS terrorist? After all, isn’t it all murder? Just saying…

Usually, younger folks are uninterested in some of the civil liberties. They stick to their own priorities while the decisions and laws by the stakeholders mostly weigh on them. The issues I outlined are just a few of the challenges plaguing the country.

It is through political leadership that some of their concerns can be curbed and harnessed. I urge you all (especially the college students) to be more involved in county, state and national issues to the best of your capacity. Your involvement could help a great deal to remediate some of the current challenges. An all-inclusive leadership is one that outweighs problems and is progressive.