by Michelle Willson, Editor-in-Chief
I do not know if everyone had the same morbid humor as me in middle and high school but I loved this series called “Happy Tree Friends.”
The series is basically following these cute little cartoon characters as they brutally die or kill each other in freak accidents.
I would binge watch this series every time I could. My favorite episode has got to be the carnival one because it was the first episode I ever saw and it really jumpstarted my love for these deadly characters.
No worries though each episode is like its own movies so the charters you love will stick with you through all shows and you can watch them die in different ways.
I give this a 3 out of 5 all together for the sheer morbid creativity that went into the making of this series and a one 1 out of 5 on the scary scale because its gruesome but not scary.
If you have never watched it, I recommend that you look it up. You can watch the episodes on YouTube.