
Wow, last night was so crazy!

You might be thinking this as you scroll through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat after a fun night out. There are pictures documenting every minute of the evening, from the pregame, party, and of course, the Nite Lite.

While taking pictures with your friends from having a great night and posting them is fun, please, please, PLEASE, stop taking pictures with your drink! This is probably my biggest pet peeve.

It is so annoying to see this on every social media forum. We get it, you’re drinking at a college party and I might be coming off a little prudish, but do you realize that college ends? And when it does, you’re going to go out and look for a job.

The first thing that potential employer are going to do is Google you. What will they find? That’s right, a million-and one-pictures of you in a crop top holding a to-go cup of a mixed drink or the ever classy Four Loco in your hand.

If the company in which you are trying to get a job with see’s this, then  they will think the only thing you do is party and drink, and while that might not be true, how are they supposed to know, when that’s all they see? Yes, I am in a sorority so it’s been ingrained in my head from day one to put the drink down, to a friend, or even behind your back while taking that picture.

It’s not hard, and if you’re that smashed that you forget, they probably won’t even notice the drink beside your half-closed eyes and clearly drunk look on your face.

I get that going out and having a good time is what we do in college and there is nothing wrong with that! But what happened to just having a good time and leaving the cell phones out of it.

When did we become so reliant on our phones that we can’t do anything without documenting every part of it? Are we that narcissistic of a generation to have to take a million selfies before we are satisfied on one?

Why can’t we all just go and enjoy our lives without having to post on Instagram about them? We need to realize that this doesn’t last forever and that what we put out there is going to be there forever. What we are doing now is impacting our whole lives so please, think before you post.

Also, it might be good idea to just leave your phone with the sober driver to prevent anything from happening, like a bad Snapchat story, or mistaken post.