The author takes a nap with Bobbie the dog. The author believes that taking breaks is important for students.

By J.D. Eddy Editorial Editor

Taking mental health breaks is an essential part of lowering your stress level.

When I started this semester off, I wasn’t very stressed out. Now, since I’m going to school while working at the veterinarian’s office and the campus newspaper, I have taken a lot of weight on my shoulders – mentally speaking, at least.

Having all of this to do at the same time seemed to stress me out more than I originally thought it would. But it is not all bad; I actually enjoy what I do.

However, we still need breaks from things we like to do so we can recuperate. For example, the week of fall break, we didn’t have the newspaper. Now, I’m not saying I don’t like working there. I’m just saying that I needed a break for a few days to recharge a little bit. This does not just relate to work or even school for that matter.

The author takes a nap with Bobbie the dog. The author believes that taking breaks is important for students.

There are things in life that you just need a break from. Some things you might need to get away from are family, friends, relationships and the town you’re from. It’s good to find some ways to get away for a little while so you don’t get stuck in the same patterns.

Takin breaks, like a vacation, can help students and employees focus more throughout the day while also reducing stress levels.

If you do not take at least a little time off, you can start to feel depressed, stressed out, unmotivated and not focused on the tasks at hand. Some of these breaks can help improve your physical health as well.

I think we all need to do a better job of talking about mental health, and taking breaks is a part of that.

Most students tend to get more stressed out about homework than anything; they feel as if it is piling up without any time to get it all done.

Studying for exams is another major source of stress.

According to the American Psychological Association, about 88% of college students say their school lives are stressful. It’s shocking that most college students say their college careers are more stressful than fun.

Taking breaks, however, can help break up the hard times. They allow you to focus on your work and improve your mood. If you ever find yourself unmotivated or just unhappy with what you are doing at that time, take a break for a little bit and allow yourself to mentally recharge.