Voting for Ranger Royalty will be open Monday and Tuesday for the first round. You can vote by clicking a link that will be sent to your student email Monday morning. Candidates are currently campaigning by putting up signs around campus and handing out candy and other items to students in hopes they will vote for them. There will also be the Ranger Royalty banquet on Wednesday, where they will announce the 2024 Freshman Queen and recognize all candidates.

Ranger Queens

Cora Beth Taylor

Senior, Business
Sponsored by Men’s Track and Field

Diamond Hilton

Senior, Psychology
Sponsored by Women’s Track and Field

Tara Owen

Senior, Mass Communication
Sponsored by NWTV-7

Chloe Lehr Bradt

Junior, Elementary Education
Sponsored by The Wesley House

Raylen Weve

Junior, Business
Sponsored by Academic Success Center

Maria Sosa

Junior, Biology Health Sciences
Sponsored by Medical Sciences Club

Mary “Kate” Foster

Junior, Education
Sponsored by Cross Country

Estrella Martinez

Sophomore, Nursing
Sponsored by BCM

Haley Voelzke

Sophomore, Nursing
Sponsored by Pre-Nursing Association

Melanie Callaway

Junior, Social Work
Sponsored by Woodward Leadership Advisory Board

Not pictured:
Rosa Vargas, junior instrumental music education major, sponsored by Ranger Band; Sophie Cummins, junior political science and history major, sponsored by LASSO.


Jalen Ghee

Senior, Business
Sponsored by Men’s Track and Field

Marshal Howard

Senior, Entrepreneurial Business
Sponsored by Business Club

Eldon Walters

Freshman, Nursing
Sponsored by Chemistry Club

Not pictured above:
Chris Perez, senior instrumental music education major, sponsored by Ranger Band.

Freshman Queens

Ashley Carter

Biology & Chemistry
Sponsored by Ranger Cheer

Ashlyn Whitely

Elementary Education
Sponsored by Academic Success Center

Brenda Lezama

Sponsored by HALO

Carson Schanbacher

Exercise Science
Sponsored by Women’s Basketball