By Ashley Strehl, Editor in Chief

The Oklahoma Student Government Association’s motto says, “We work together for the advancement of Higher Education.” For this Northwestern student, that motto hits close to home.
Senior business administration major and entrepreneurship minor, Ethan Sacket has been awarded the title of National Regional Director for the North Region for the Oklahoma Student Government Association March 8. According to their description, the purpose of the OSGA Board of Directors is to represent the higher education views and interests of all Oklahoma public and private college and university students to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. In conjunction with the State Regent’s office, board members are required to organize and facilitate the organization throughout the year.
After submitting his application, Sacket announced his candidacy for the north regional director for the Student Advisory Board at the conclusion of the fall congress. Sacket began to research the different universities in the north region and continues to make connections with student representatives.
“I took time to lay out my vision and goals for this role,” Sacket said. Sacket then gave his two campaign speeches on the final day of spring congress.
Sacket said that he decided to apply for the position because of the leadership and involvement of the other SGA representatives from around the state at spring congress.
“It was an inspirational and educational experience,” Sacket said.
Sacket states that he has had the dream of being involved in SGA since he was a freshman.
“My sister and brother-in-law were both SGA officers at Northwestern and they were able to have an impact in those roles,” Sacket said. “Since first arriving on campus as a freshman, I knew I wanted to be involved in Northwestern’s Student Government Association as much as possible. When I heard of the Oklahoma Student Government Association, I set a new goal to lead in that organization.”
Sacket has three goals as the north regional director: increase representation and involvement, visit each school in the region at least once throughout the year and expand communication and connections through newsletter-highlighting schools’ success and solution.
“The first question I asked myself when I first decided to pursue this opportunity was: how can I use this opportunity to connect college students from across the state and bring together insights on how to improve our universities and make our students’ experiences more impactful,” Sacket said.
During his time as the north regional director, Sacket will help facilitate statewide events like fall and spring congress, Presidential Retreat, and Camp OSGA.
“I am also eager to visit with each of the over twenty higher education institutions in the north region within my year of service,” Sacket said.
Sacket says the support he has received from students and faculty has been extremely incredible and unique. Sacket also said he encourages others to embrace what makes them unique, to never turn down an opportunity to learn and to pursue what brings happiness.
“I am extremely grateful for the opportunities Northwestern allows for its students,” Sacket said. “So many people were willing to offer advice during the campaigning process; this yielded a positive outcome beyond what I could have achieved without their insights.”