
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that selfie game is only strong if you keep it to social media. That seems like a simple concept right? Apparently not. I hate that it came down to me writing a rant about this, but the people need be informed.

I was driving down a street in my hometown last weekend and I drove past a house that was for sale. The real estate sign had the name of the company, the contact information for the realtor and a selfie of said realtor.

Say what!? Yes, this lady put a selfie on the sign that she uses to sell houses.

I’d like to say this is the only time I’ve seen this happen, but sadly it’s not. I’ve seen it happen on people’s portfolio websites and company business cards. I’ve even seen one used on a resume.

Honestly, this draws me away from a business. Not to mention it’s completely unnecessary. It makes people feel like the business is unprofessional and as a result they end up choosing the competitors company.

As far as the realtor that used a selfie on a sign, it makes someone who may want to look at the house skeptical about it because the picture doesn’t depict her as a professional realtor, but more as a picture of a friend that you’d see scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Snapchat.

Then there’s portfolio sites or resume’s, both of which you use when applying for jobs, internships or promoting yourself. Why would you want to use an informal photo on such formal documents?

That will never make since to me. It’s like “hey, look at me. At least I can take a selfie right?” Ugh. I bet the first person in the decision making chain just throws that one in the garbage, or maybe uses it to wrap up his half eaten sandwich. Either way, you’re done. No job for you. All because you chose to use that selfie, which by the way, probably isn’t even good.

I know, I know. Don’t judge a book buy it’s cover. I’m not saying no one will ever use your business or service just because you use a selfie you promote yourself, but you’d just save yourself some trouble if you use an actual professional photo.

So, what are some other options? Well, first of all, the obvious. Use a professional photographer. It’s really not hard to go to a photographer and have them take a simple professional use photo and I’m sure its not too expensive.

But, if you’re absolutely against that set up a plain colored sheet or stand in front of a neutral background and have someone else take the picture. Even that looks better than a selfie.