Student Writer

Northwestern’s Student Government Association has set new goals, priorities and events for this spring semester.

The current officers are Tatum Hansen (president), Paige Little (vice president), Morgan Renbarger (secretary) and Kaitlyn O’Toole (treasurer).

Hansen said the officer team has set goals “to keep tradition but also put a twist on those traditions. In other words, we hope to revamp tradition to match the generation we are coming into.”

The team has also set priorities to increase the student involvement at events the organization hosts on campus. Hansen said, “We have seen a slight decrease in the numbers for student involvement. While we do put a lot of time and money into these events, we hope with new ideas and strategies we can increase the participation level by the student body.”

As far as events are concerned, this will be the second year the SGA organization will host a Color Run.  According to Hansen, “Since this is our second time, I know we can get rid of some flaws we had with the trial event and go full fledge with the Color Run. Of course we will still have events such as The Voice, Bahama Breakaway and others because of their success and how popular they are. ”

The first upcoming event will be Spirit Week Feb. 3-7. Spirit week will kick off Tuesday at 6:45 p.m. in the Rialto Movie Theatre, where the first 100 students will get in free. Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in Percefull Fieldhouse, there will be a pep rally with games and prizes for the student vs. faculty basketball game. Thursday at 5:30 p.m. in Percefull Fieldhouse the first 700 fans will receive a free T-shirt, and there will also be a spirit contest for clubs and organizations. Friday at 2 p.m. in Myers Stadium there will be free foam gloves and hot cocoa. Saturday at 1 p.m. in Percefull Fieldhouse there will be halftime games and prizes.

Hansen said, “I have gained public speaking opportunities along with leadership styles from being a part of this organization. SGA allows students to plan events on a grand scheme with a bigger budget. Students can be a part of the organization that has the most impact on campus because we reach the entire student body, not just specific clubs. We also support the endeavors made by other campus organizations and clubs. For students interested in joining this organization make sure you have the time and dedication.”

SGA holds meetings at noon every other Monday in the Senate Chambers on the second floor in the Student Center. The next meeting will be Feb. 9. Students who would like more information about SGA can contact the faculty advisor Kaylyn Hansen at 580-327-8439 or