by McKayla Holson, Editorial Editor

I have no idea what to write about. Honestly, I don’t know.

There’s no story I’d like to share, nothing big happened in my life. Honestly, not much happens usually. Which, I suppose, is not necessarily a negative thing.

So I’d just to like to share two things I enjoy doing. I like watching YouTube videos and listening to music and podcasts.

A favorite YouTube channel of mine is GameGrumps. WARNING: They can be pretty explicit at times. Proceed at your own risk. They do “Power Hours” where they just hang out and do random activities or go to random places to do things (at least, before COVID) and they also play videogames. Arin and Danny are the main guys for the channel and they’re both involved with music groups as well, it’s like a double whammy. I really enjoy Danny’s band Ninja Sex Party. Yes, I know, weird name. But, they have pretty funny songs, though usually explicit, and amazing covers. Danny’s voice is angelic. In fact, I’m listening to him as I type all this out.
SuperMega, also explicit, is another YouTube channel I enjoy. Matt and Ryan, the main guys for that channel, also play videogames. They’re currently doing a Fall Guy series and I love it. The two guys also do skits and Matt has started to make music. I haven’t listened to any of it yet, but I’m sure I will eventually.

Don’t worry, I also watch channels that don’t play a lot of videogames. Joshua Weissman creates cooking videos and he’s a hoot and a half. Sometimes he says inappropriate things, but it’s not nearly as explicit as the other two I mentioned. I really enjoy the videos of him recreating food from chain restaurants.

Now, podcasts. My attention span is short, so it’s hard for me to concentrate on these sometimes. But there’s a podcast on Pandora, and probably other streaming services, called “Serial Killers” from the Podcast Network and I love it so far. I enjoy listening to the detailed stories about serial killers and their way of thinking. This podcast goes fairly in depth I’d say. Currently, Pandora has about 205 episodes of the gory goodness. If you’re into that sort of thing, I definitely recommend giving it a listen.

As for music, I enjoy listening to most things. I love blues, country, rock, metal, all of it. I have a record player and hearing the music with the rolling of the needle is incredibly soothing.

I love when people suggest new things to watch and listen to, so here are some things you could try out. If you want to at least. If you do, enjoy. If not, that’s okay.