
We all know what “they” say about opinions, but I need to vent a little, fellow students. Anyone who has spent some time these past two weeks in or around Vinson Hall, Jesse Dunn, or Carter Hall can attest to the incessant beeping coming from the blue work truck.

These men have been working on something (scrubbing the bricks? cleaning the gutters?) for the past ten days, for hours at a time.

Now, as an English Lit major I confess I spend more time in VH than I do in my own house. I have been driven to the boarder of madness by the annoying two notes coming from the truck. I simply cannot imagine how the professors that have offices in the building must be dealing with this. Headphones? At least I am allowed to leave the building!

I realize there is work that needs to be done, and with homecoming around the corner the community of Northwestern wants the buildings to look their best.

I do not understand, however, why this work cannot be completed when people aren’t trying to work or attend class.

Having to speak over the noise, to a classroom full of students that are looking for a reason to be distracted must be maddening to the professors in not only VH but JD and CH as well.

I am neither an architect, nor do I play one on television, but from the down below the roof of VH looks pretty flat. Wouldn’t it be safer for these workmen to clean the gutters from the roof instead of a precarious bucket attached to a truck?

I am not trying to brush off the safety regulations the workmen must adhere to; I am just frustrated that it has to interfere with my education.